Thursday 31 October 2013

The only way is up (unfortunately!)

Saturday saw the annual British Universities Hill Climb Championship return to Curbar in the Peak District. This is undoubtedly one of the most painful race days of the year. Nonetheless, with a 4th place finish last year, we were looking to go at least one better in the team competition this year.

After a decent warm up on the turbo I took to the start line. Thirty seconds. Ten seconds. Five seconds. Go! I hit the steep part of the climb and held about 85% effort, knowing the consistent gradient would soon up the perceived exertion. After an all too long 15-20% section the gradient dropped to a "easy" 7%. With 1/3 down I thought I would up the effort and try to hold on until the top.

Head down. Pain Cave
I approached my 2 minute woman on the final hairpin corner before the deceptively long straight to the top. At this point I was sure I could taste a little blood and my throat and lungs were screaming for respite. Just one last effort I told myself; but the lungs and legs had other ideas! The lactic was building, legs screaming and lungs burning. I just kept shutting my eyes praying the finish line would come into sight.

The aftermath with teammate Jenny
My wheels rolled over the line with just enough momentum for a volunteer to catch me and lower me gently on to the grass verge where I lay gasping, eyes shut and still clipped in to the pedals of my bike. It took about 4 minutes before I felt well enough to cycle back down the hill. I was feeling clammy, hot and faint; it was inevitable, the perfect storm some might say, I puked right beside the car. Well at least it showed I tried!

In the end, I finished 11th, Jenny came 9th and fourth overall again :( We did however, both take over 1 minute off our times from last year. If we do that again next year we'll be in with a very good shout of winning individual medals and hopefully (eventually!) getting on that elusive podium. On a side note, the Leeds Uni boys team took silver, so a huge congratulations to them on a really incredible performance.

See you again next year, Curbar!

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