Thursday 2 July 2015

British Columbia Regional Championships

Hot, dusty, gnarly and hot. That would be the four words I'd use to describe the British Columbia Provincial Championships, held in Whistler. 

The race started super quick and I soon found myself quite far down the field. However, I knew that such a long race in 34 degree heat would require a tortoise rather than hare approach!

Surely enough, I began to reel the field back one by one until I was up in 6th. Starting my 6th, 20 minute lap I was really starting to feel the heat, I had drunk five 500ml bottles and still needed more. I lost two places on my final lap, but was so happy to finish 8th elite woman in the worlds home of mountain biking.

Racing over raised north shore with huge drops got the adrenaline pumping. The course was 90% single track which I can only describe as a mountain biking gift, so much fun to ride. I am so grateful to Cycling BC for allowing me to race their Championships. 

Cathkin Braes, Glasgow. Racing the National Series

Riding the course on Saturday, I couldn't help feel a little scared by the sheer size of some of the features. The commonwealth course was packed with huge drop offs, steep climbs and a variety of A, B and even C lines to choose from. After 3 laps the feelings of apprehension and fear had changed into adrenaline and pure excitement as I knew racing the course the next day would be a special experience. 

Feeling confident on race morning, I completed a good road warm up and took to the start line, gridded on the back row due to a lack of BC points this season. From the gun I was able to slot into 3rd place prior to the first technical feature, a rocky climb and stepped drop. This soon became 2nd place after a riders mistake allowed me to overtake. 

My plan prior to the race was to gauge my position in the race and ride on feel, as I was unsure on my form and the pace of the other riders due to my lack of race experience this season. I made the decision to overtake and move into 1st position just before the technical but super fun four cross style descent. This allowed me to dictate the pace of the descent, minimising risk of mistake. I began to open a small gap on the long switch back climb on the far side of the course which I extended by taking the A line descent where the girls behind took the B line. 

Finishing lap 1 with a small 15 second lead, I knew I needed to settle into a rhythm and focus on riding the course in a smooth, mistake free manner. Lap 2 passed quickly and I added a further 25 seconds to the lead. Feeling comfortable, I consumed a gel on lap 3, and continued to ride consistently adding time my lead. Taking the A line was a major factor in adding time which I did again on lap 3, however as I hurtled down the successive drop offs, I suddenly felt that horrible sensation of rim grinding over rocks. I had punctured my rear wheel.

I quickly changed the tube in what felt like world record speed, but it would not inflate. There was only one option left, RUN! Sprinting as fast as I could, I ran what my Garmin later revealed to be 1.2km to the pits and was passed by 3 women. By the time I had grabbed a spare wheel I had slipped to 9th with 3rd place 2 minutes up the trail. 

Sipping as much fluid as I could, I began to quickly real in the girls ahead. 8th to 7th to 6th and 5th within 1 lap. Receiving regular time checks I knew I had taken a minute out of 3rd, if I could ride another lap at the same speed I should make the podium. I made the catch with 1/2 a lap to go, and continued pushing really hard trying to catch second but it was too late. I know one more lap would have been enough time to bring both girls back but we had raced for 1h45 as it was! 

So what a race. I absolutely loved the course at Cathkin Braes, what a rush it was to race there hurtling through all the features. I am over the moon the finish on the podium, and it is so promising that I had the form to ride away from the field. Looking ahead to the final round in Cannock I can only feel positive. Finally, thank you to Torq and all of our amazing sponsors. 

Thank you for photos by Lisa Metcalfe (above) and Adrian Gossage (below)