Wednesday 9 October 2013

Temple Newsam YCCA

I arrived at the Temple Newsam race with low expectations. My body was still nursing the cuts and bruises from 3 Peaks and I had developed a cold to further compound things. Regardless, it was a gorgeous sunny October day, the type you have to have to ride because you know in several weeks time we say goodbye to sunlight for the winter months. 

So with high spirits, I took to the start line excited for the race. A long grass section separated the riders before the singletrack woodland section. I had found some great lines through the roots during warm up and used them to overtake on the first lap. 

By lap 2 Annie Simpson was so far ahead that we were racing for second place. I latched onto Nicola Butler and Rebecca Womersley, and we rode together until I slid out on a tree root that stretched across the course; leaving me with alot of ground to make up on the subsequent laps. 

By lap 4 I had caught Rebecca and began to move up on Nicola using the technical woodland section to gain time. As we rounded the final corner Nicola had one more kick and just managed to stay away, whilst I settled for 3rd place. 

I was happy to achieve another podium position for especially because the girls were so strong. It makes for a really exciting race, when there are a couple of riders battling for placing lap by lap. The personal battles in cyclocross, no matter what your position in the race make cross such a great sport and it is one of the reasons I love it so much. 

My next race is a National Trophy in Abergavenny on the 13th October, but until then have fun out there. 

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