Tuesday 22 October 2013

The return of the mud

It began with an obscenely early motorway services pickup (5 am!!!!) before we headed down to Abergavenny for the first round of the 2013 National Trophy Cyclocross. Luckily I slept most of the journey, which allowed me to ignore the awful conditions that were developing.

On arrival, it was wet, cold and did I mention wet? Steve and Ted raced first in the Vets which allowed me to have a few practice laps. The laps went a little like this; brake before corner, turn, land on on the ground, practice remount, corner, crash etc. Hmmmm I thought, the only solution would be to psssst and soften up the tyres just in time for the start of my race.

Looking muddy, plenty of sliding along the floor
Photos courtesy of British Cycling

With my tires 'inflated' to an unknown psi, I took to the freezing start line.YES- Foot went in straight away and I quickly left my last place grid position and moved up towards the top 10. I rode well with the top group, but after 3/4 of a lap, I crashed and lost a few places. A good remount gained me a few back, but then BANG. Hit the deck again. This was a sequence that would repeat itself for the next 4 laps.

Focused. Still in contact with the chasing group
I finished feeling pretty disheartened, cold and wet. 16/18th, but I felt I deserved better, I couldn't even stay upright. On reflection, my lack of mud tyres seem to be the reason for my mud munching. When I looked at the tyres of the other girls, they had angular knobbles and an aggressive tread, mine however looked like a slick with some raised arrows! Ah ha! Maybe we found the problem!!

A good read of 'Choosing the right cross tyre' in Cyclocross Magazine, led to some exciting knobbly purchases, now I just need to learn how to do this whole glue thing :)

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